Imagination. . .The #1 Requirement for Employment at CNN
I haven't blogged in a while so let me first start of by saying how much I can't stand CNN. Even good news is bad news to them. Take this sampling for example: Yeah. Great news Iraqis agree things are better. . .BUT WAIT!!! What's this? The Kids are huffing glue! May God have mercy on the USA! We've corrupted their youth! But the best part is. . .that's it. No story. Not even a comment. I work on graphics all the time for invitations, web pages, whatever. The whole point of putting an image on a page is to draw attention to it. Why is it that every other graphic on has a link to a story, and this one doesn't? Because they're not interested in just reporting the news. They want to shape opinion. Then there's the graphic for CNN's "Special Report" on The New Iraq. Where all the people run away from explosions, women always cry, little kids have crap on their faces and we fly away in our multi-million stealth bombers. What a load of absolute crap. If you want to find out more on this I highly recommend the book Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News by Bernard Goldberg ... In other news, we're refinancing our house which is turning out to be a surprisingly simple process. Maybe I'm just clueless but so far, it's not too bad. Thankfully, I have a good friend who knows just about everything you need to know about real estate who's helping us out. But we do have an appraisal in the next couple of days, so were hurrying to get all the bullet holes patched and painted. Okay so there's not any bullet holes but we are trying to get a few things done. And with the beautiful weather this weekend, it made it so easy to stay inside and do things like filing old bills and moving things out of our office so we can begin painting. Seriously, why couldn't it rain? ... We did manage to find time on Friday night to watch a movie. It was a, uh, well it was okay. I guess if you don't get creeped out by old people groping each other and otherwise engaging in activities that you'd rather not see old people engage in then, this was still just an okay movie. Through the whole movie there were times when I had to turn away or cover my eyes. I found it odd that I had the same reaction to this that others would have to a horror movie. It was definitely funny in some parts but I have to wonder, after hearing so much from the liberal press about how Diane Keaton plays such a strong woman in this film, why would a self-sufficient woman fall for a 63 year old, blotchy skinned womanizing he-slut? Is this the direction that the women's movement wants to go? We'll I guess I had them pegged wrong. "You go girl!"