Josh's blog

Friday, May 14, 2004

A Follow Up to "What do they have to say about it?"

They actually said something, er, well not exactly the people I'd thought or wished would say something but, some Muslims have actually condemned the murder of Nick Berg. The thing that weirds me out about all this is that it's other terrorists groups saying this is wrong! Hezbollah & Hamas!! Hezbollah aka Islamic Jihad - as in suicide truck bombers in Beruit or those that conducted the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847. (more here)(or here - see "Lebanon") Hamas - you know them as the suicide bombers in Israel. (more here)(or here - see "Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip") For some reason, these groups condemn the brutal murder of Nick Berg by men claiming to act on behalf of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. (more see "Military") Isn't that a little bit of a double standard guys. I mean come on, you can totally endorse your women and children strapping explosive vests on and killing off people in busses and markets or driving trucks packed with explosives into buildings but killing someone with a sword is wrong? Wow, you are crazy. For more on terrorism see


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