It's funny how sometimes life can just be moving along and then out of nowhere something happens that makes you stop and notice. Two weekends ago, on Sunday the 18th to be specific, I went over to my Grandma's apartment to clean out her back porch. Over the wet spring that we've had a lot of dirt and mulch had made its way inside, under the screen door and settled on the green outdoor carpet/astroturf. Dirt that had been blown through the screens and settled on the patio furniture needed to be sprayed off and wiped down. After washing the screens and scrubbing the carpet to remove some moss that had started to grow in the lowest corner of the patio, I took a break for lunch. Grandma wanted me to run out and get what I wanted and so I took a quick trip to Burger King to pick up a sandwich. Grandma wanted a chocolate shake, and for some reason that day Burger King's shake machine wasn't working. So I ran next door to Arby's to get a shake, then headed back to her apartment for lunch. I got back and we sat down at her kitchen table, prayed for lunch and ate. We talked about life and how time has flown by. We talked about faith and the difference that Christ has made in our lives. She told me about her neighbor across the hall with alzheimers that calls her multiple times a day to find out what time Grandma will be heading down for dinner and to ask if she can go with her. She told me how other people have told her to ignore the lady across the hall, "You've got yourself to worry about Helen," they'd say. Grandma told me that she thinks that being nice to this lady might be one of the only opportunities she has these days to show Christ's love. We talked about her grandkids, and great grandkids and how she's seen her family grow and mature. We talked about the ups and downs in peoples lives and how sometimes life just isn't fair, and how sometimes people do get what they deserve. She told me how proud she was of Mom and Dad for raising us the way they did. She told me how proud she was of me and my brothers, what good kids we were and some memories of each of us. She recalled memories of when Nathan was little and would stay at her house on Polk Ave. for days straight, playing, doing homework and earning a couple bucks working on little projects that she had. How Ben would come over and play games with her and get her out of her apartment for a little while. She remembered me singing when I was little and still has it on tape somewhere. We talked and finished eating. I went back to work on the porch for about another half hour, then hauled the shop vac and other things I had brought to clean with back to my truck. I locked the latch on the porch, and went inside Grandma's apartment, she paid me $25, something that whenever I did anything for her I usually refused but this time I didn't for some reason. I gave her a hug and a kiss, told her I loved her. She smiled at me told me she loved me too and I closed her door. For some reason when I left memories flooded my head. I remembered jumping into the back seat of my families silver minivan and waving at Grandma as we turned around in the upper part of her driveway and then down the drive to Polk Avenue. I remembered her waving out of the window in the kitchen that looked into the back yard. I remembered the yellowish glow of the light on the back porch. I remembered turning around and seeing her waving out the front bay window of her house with the orange "ufo" lamp hanging above her head. It was a great day with Grandma, we talked, laughed and remembered. On Friday of that week (the 23rd) I got a call from a therapist who was with Grandma at her apartment. He told me she was in some pain and needed to be taken to the Emergency Room and that for some reason they couldn't get a hold of my Dad. I managed to get in contact with him and Mom took Grandma to the hospital. The doctor told her that it was her arthritis and that there really wasn't anything they could do for her. She was already taking medication for the pain. She went home but ended up going back to the hospital on Monday. They put her on a ventilator. The doctors told us that she had improved some overnight, but then earlier today she got worse. They discovered that she had a heart attack, and then another today. We don't expect her to get better. The honest truth is, she wouldn't want to. She is ready to live again. Heaven is waiting, and she's been waiting for heaven for a long time.
I love you baby.
By kirsten, at 12:41 PM, July 28, 2004
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