Josh's blog

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

They're Baaack!

This is great. A lot of things from my childhood seem to be having encore appearances. Things like He-Man, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers and my most recent "re-discovery", Garbage Pail Kids. You remember Garbage Pail Kids, they were first created as a mockery of Cabbage Patch dolls, those disgustingly cute little dolls with pudgy cheeks and birth certificates. (Those things were bigger than Tickle-me Elmo's) They threw out the cute thing and dove straight into the disgusting part. The trading cards/stickers came with (and still do) a piece of dry taste-free bubble gum. Well now you can create your own Garbage Pail Kid online. (Finally, the technology that we've all been waiting for.) You can try it for yourself here.


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