Josh's blog

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Contest Winners

After a bit of deliberation I am pleased to announce the winners of the Win "Like Vegas, with Jo-Jo's" T-Shirt Contest: Protest sign winners (2) Derrak Ostovic - "Impeach Josh, Vote for Kirsten" Jeff Rockwood - "Stop In-Law Workplace Harassment" Look for these shining new protest signs to be added to the header in the near future. Flattering Review Winner: Patty Moledor - it's such a nice review I'm not sure that she actually wrote it about this blog:

This blog is blessed with many great things. It's open transparency tugs at the heart strings. The humor is full of much fun and fodder. But best of all...God is always genuinely honored.
Scathing Review Winner: Jeremy Bear:
Josh’s lousy blog once did some plumbing on my bathroom sink. After it was finished, the leak was worse than ever and my cat was pregnant. Draw your own conclusions.
Referral Winner: Jeremy really captured the spirit of this contest and sent a lot of traffic to the site. In fact he sent over 20% of the hits - clearly making him the winner in terms of referrals. So, Jeremy wins not one, but TWO t-shirts. What he does with them is up to him. So winners - you should be receiving your shirts very soon. Merry Christmas and thanks for playing. For the winners, and anybody else that has a T-shirt - send me a picture, something fun to fill the flickr files.


  • That Jeff Rockport/Rockwell (whatever) is such a card. Does he have a blog? He should. People would flock to it. And he has that cute wife...

    Oh yeah. And my husband is funny too.

    Please tell me that Maureen has been on "good behavior" lately.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:47 AM, December 20, 2005  

  • Oh yeah. And Derrak already has a t-shirt. He said I could have his prize this time.

    : )

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:49 AM, December 20, 2005  

  • Two shirts! An embarrassment of trendy functionality! Thanks a million, Josh.

    One'll be for wearing, obviously, but I think I'm dedicating the other to the ongoing War on Terror.

    And, agreed, Jeff Rockport should have a blog. If nothing else, he needs some sort of public showcase for that cute wife of his.

    Hear that Rockhund? No more lazy lazy, you start typey typey!

    By Blogger Jeremy Bear, at 1:31 PM, December 20, 2005  

  • yeah, Jeff rockmoninoff needs a blog if only to show off that cute wife of his. :-


    p.s. Oh yeah my wife is very excited to be geting a shirt. thanks for the conest josh. Next time i promise to work harder and sooner to get more involved.

    By Blogger derrak ostovic, at 9:24 PM, December 21, 2005  

  • dude said "War on Terror"

    By Blogger Gary Underwood, at 11:49 PM, January 04, 2006  

  • Those Ostoviks, they delight in nooners while their friends are chillin' downstairs. The new congregation should be aware.

    Maybe when I'm done with school I'll spin binaries into a blog of the earth.


    Oh, yeah. A new protest sign "Spam Mount Paran"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:56 PM, January 05, 2006  

  • Yikes, a comment from Rockwood. It's been forever since I've seen or communicated with that guy. Josh, do you know his email or website info?

    I did go to the links he posted, but they were just pics. Good pics, but no way to communicate or be in touch...

    By Blogger Gary Underwood, at 9:46 AM, January 11, 2006  

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