I love my family. I feel extremely grateful to have "escaped" childhood without any major issues. Too many people I know can't say that. I think most parents usually have the best intentions in mind but, sometimes they do something that creates problems and resentment later on in life. For me though, I don't have any of that.
Growing up the oldest of three boys, I spent a lot of time picking on my little brothers, at times, I swear the two of them had formed an alliance against me, hellbent on taking me down. I look back and can see times where I was just a jerk, and I think "Man I hope they don't come after me for that." I also remember times where we were a unit, a team, united by our last name, love for pickles, video games and each other. Time has passed, obviously, and now I look at my brothers and am very proud of the men they are becoming. They've developed into guys that I count as best friends. We've all got some growing to do but, we're on the right track. I credit that to my parents.
God bless them, we've probably driven them crazy. We used to do things that would push them to the point of breaking and they'd still stand solid as a team. It's great to see them having more freedom to do things as a "couple" again. ***(I do have to add, as is required by 'firstborn' rule, that my brothers get away with waaay more than I ever did) Ben and Nate still live at home, and in time I'm sure, they'll move out giving Mom and Dad even more time to spend traveling, re-decorating the living room, dining room and kitchen for the 42nd time in three months. They've built a home that is inviting to us, our friends, girlfriends and extended family all feel comfortable hanging out at, it's a place that still feels like home even though I haven't lived there in over two and a half years. Yes, Kirsten and I are creating our own home but, there's something about being in that house with everybody around the dinner table or in front of the TV.
So how have they done it?
By being slightly insane, plus being able to laugh at things that would make others cry, and realizing that even when things feel out of control that God's got His hand on us, just like He always does. A tradition of love, laughter and enjoyment that I hope all of us boys can recreate in our homes.
As an example of how 'skewed' my parents are I present to you, an email from my mother to my wife:
From: Candy Smith
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 7:16 AM
To: Kirsten Smith
Hi Kir,
We ran across this old picture of Josh, thought you'd like to see it.
Much has been said about "tough love" for misbehaving children. Most of America's populace thinks it very improper to spank children, so we have tried other methods to control our kids when they have one of "those moments".
One that we found very effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk. They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our little car ride together.
I've included the photo below of one of my sessions, in case you would like to use the technique.
Love, Mom
So yeah, sick sense of humor and all, I love my family and hope that anyone else who reads this takes half a second to express their thanks and love for their family.
p.s. Dad - Thanks for double checking those luggage rack straps.