Josh's blog

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Rocking the want ads

Alright kids here's the update. My last post was a bit ambiguous but, here's the reasoning. My portion and my cup God's got a reason for everything that happens in our lives. I've often wondered how many times a day God steps into our happenings and intervenes. Like if you're a couple minutes late to work, maybe it's because if you were on time you would have run over a kid or something. But lately my portion and my cup have undergone some significant shifts. I found out on January 30th that my department at work is being "eliminated" and most marketing functions will be outsourced. My boss was let go immediately. I on the other hand... The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places They're giving me 8 weeks to find something new and giving me outplacement services, as well as giving me referrals and putting in a good word for me with clients. It's wierd but I honestly feel that I have never been more spiritually prepared to deal with something like this, at the same time things have kind of hit a lull on the adoption front. I know that there is something better out there for me, and honestly I'm looking forward to finding it. With the prospect of adding to the Smith clan in the not-so-distant future, now is a great time to find a new job. So if you hear of anything that you think I might be a good fit let me know. View my resume at:


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