Josh's blog

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Q&A fun with Mr. Smith

A lot has happened since I last wrote and to fill you all in I thought I'd tell you about it in my favorite blogging format - Q&A style. Sure, I could just send you to her blog, busy little fingers has she - updates, she does frequently. Wow, that is a Yoda sounding sentence. Better jump right into it before I get all Frank Oz on you. Q. So Josh what's been happening? A. You couldn't come up with a better question to start this off than that? Wow, you're slipping bro. Q. Sorry, but its been a while. Just answer the question. A. Right - Well, where should I start. I've got a new job - that's something right? Q. Yes, you're at Coltène/Whaledent now - what are you doing? A. I'm in the graphic design department, working with 2 other really talented designers. It's nice. I've never had the opportunity to work in a creative team like this before and I'm finding it to be quite refreshing. Good to bounce around some ideas, and at bare minimum, I have two other people who empathize with me about having to add "just a little more" copy to an ad or make the logo bigger again. Q. So it sounds like a great opportunity - tell me again, what is it exactly that Coltène/Whaledent does? A. We make Whale dentures. You know, for whales. Some are made of baleen. Whale Dentures!Q. Really? A. Sure, we have a sister company in New Zealand that specializes in eyewear - Coltène/Whalegoggles. I'm just kidding. We do make dental products, but as far as I know, we only do that for people. A lot of neat stuff too - mostly things that make me want to brush and floss really well so I don't ever have to have them used on me. Q. So what's so great about it? A. Well, for one thing the hours are pretty cool - 8:15 AM to 4:30 PM. The way I look at it - I've got 45 extra minutes than the rest of you working folks. And I'm working on a Mac. I can't tell you how nice it is to have my computer at work, actually function the way it should. All day long. And when I do keyboard shortcuts, they actually work - no goofy window button in my way baby. Look out! I'm about to Command+Option Upside your head. Q. What? A. Sorry - I get a little carried away when it comes to working on a Mac. Did I mention that it's a PowerMac G4 with dual processors? Q. No, you didn't. A. Oh, well it is. Q. Great, well, moving along - what else has been happening in the world of Smith? A. Well, we are pretty deep into the process of adopting three kids. That's a pretty big happening. Q. Yeah, it is. How are things going? A. Better than I could have imagined - well, that's not exactly true. I have a pretty vivid imagination - you know it could be better if, for instance, the kids came with a lifetime supply of Skittles. Yeah, that would be great. Q. Did you know that you can taste a rainbow of fruit flavors when you eat them? The skittles I mean, not the children. A. Actually, yes I did know that, and I understood the question - no need to clarify. The kids have been well-behaved, well-mannered and well-hyphened in other areas too. It will be a lot of work but, we're really looking forward to them coming home. Q. That's great. Remind me, what are the details? A. The oldest is a 4-and-a-half year-old girl, followed by an almost 3 year-old boy and a 15 month-old boy. They're all such good ages, then again we're of the opinion that most ages are pretty good. Q. Wow, could we see a picture? A. Sure, click here. Q. Well, that was nice. A. Yeah, funny too. We're not ready to share what the kids look like with the world wide web. Rest assured that they are indeed very cute, and that this blog will not be overrun with posts only about them and the latest cute thing they said or the frequency, consistency or hue of their bowel movements. Q. Well, sure sounds like you'll have a lot of fun, but it will be work too - have you thought about that? A. Absolutely, we're not totally insane, just mildly. Enough that we probably could be institutionalized, but not enough that we'd need to be in special jackets all day. We've been pretty busy lately, working on the house, getting their rooms ready, building a new closet in our room, lots of stuff to be busy with. That's why I haven't updated the blog. Q. How have people reacted finding out about you adopting? A. For the most part people are really happy and supportive. I do have to say that we've been asked some of the funniest questions when people find out that we're adopting three kids. Q. Really, like what? A. Well if they know a little about our journey through infertility they ask us if we're still going to "keep trying". I always tell them, no. The whole idea of procreation is such a messy business, at this stage of our lives we've pretty much just stopped. Then I laugh at them. Of course we're still "trying" if that mean having intercourse. We're young, and I find my wife to be extremely attractive. If they mean, will Kirsten go on birth-control, that's a big no. We figure if God wants to choose now to have us get pregnant, then not only does He have a great sense of humor but, ultimately a much bigger plan than we've seen so far. Q. Hmm. That's an interesting opinion. Say, I have a cousin whose neighbor's sitster's neice couldn't get pregnant and they adopted a little girl from Uzbeckistan and wouldn't you know it, she got pregnant with triplets?! A. That's great, good for her. I hope that you're not inferring that adoption is some sort of magical infertility treatment. Because that would be plain stupid. If God chooses to give people who had struggled with infertility biological children, after they've adopted others, it was His plan from the beginning - completely independent from adoption. Q. Oh, no I wasn't saying that - I was just telling you a story I had heard... A. I know. After all, I'm you and you're actually just asking the questions I want you to ask. Q. You're right! You're so smart, and extremely good-looking I might add. So, what if you do get pregnant? A. Then obviously we're supposed to have more than 3 kids. His timing is His issue, following the plan that He's revealed to us is ours. Q. Good point, I'm glad I asked the question. A. Me too. Q. Any other things to you'd like to share? A. Actually, no. Q. By the way, you know you're posting this just in time to get it into the month of April - so you won't have any "breaks" in your blog archive? A. Oh, how convenient - an added benefit to interviewing with such a nice gentleman. I've had an absolutely wonderful time. Q. Well, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to talk to me today. I hope we can do it again sometime. A. Me too.


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