The Record Breaking Streak Continues. . .
Three Years! Some said we'd never make it. (Okay so we, never actually heard anybody say that but, that's beside the point now.) But make it we have, and with 3 years under our collective belt, (Does that make any sense?) we're continuing in our quest for a life long marriage. Special thanks goes out to our friends and family for the support over the years. We'd also like to thank the Academy and the Foreign Press for keeping their snotty little noses out of our marriage. Another thank you to my beautiful bride. I love you Kirsten and everyday I see how God has blessed me with a wonderful woman to share my life with. Thanks for loving, learning and growing with me, and still laughing at most of my attempts at humor. I love you baby.
I always knew you'd make it. It was getting you two together that was the hard part :) Love, Mom
By Anonymous, at 4:55 PM, August 19, 2004
Dude, congrats on the anniversary and all! I just wish I had been invited to the wedding, and stuff. You know what I mean?
Oh wait, I was at the wedding! Jennie and I were there in full effect.
You could have at least asked us to read scripture or something! I mean, I am a pastor and all. Sheesh.
Wait a second - dude! We DID read Scripture at your wedding! Holy cow, has it been three years.
I'm just looking forward to the day when Cooper posts a comment on your blogger. But he never checks other websites, does he?
Hold on!
By Gary Underwood, at 12:59 PM, August 31, 2004
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