Josh's blog

Monday, February 21, 2005

Josh Smith is a busy man

I've been working on a few different projects lately. Revising navigation on a couple of sites, getting some behind the scenes things for Gitgan moving. But mostly - I've been playing a lot of basketball. I was picked up by the Atlanta Hawks and I've been known to bring down the hammer on occasion. This weekend I won the Slam Dunk Competition - LeBron was talking about me and said I'm pretty much assured victory. Check it out here. Yeah, I'm a busy guy alright. Check out my player profile at "" - Be sure to mouse over the different stats and check out the little messages that pop up.


  • Hi,
    i was blogspotting, and landed on yours. Man, did i have a good laugh at your ikea stories and stuff. I think you have one of the funniest blogs i've ever seen!
    So keep on writing!!!

    Corianne from Holland

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:24 PM, March 01, 2005  

  • WOW someone from holland is reading your blog. That is impressive. : )

    by the way, where do you find the time to do that, and how in the world do you think these things up. I love it man. You are hilarious.

    by the way, it was great to talk to you and kirsten last Sunday. thanks for beintg so excited about our new addition to the family.


    By Blogger derrak ostovic, at 6:36 AM, March 03, 2005  

  • one more thing. how did you get this comment format? Is it a new blogger thing, or did you write it?


    By Blogger derrak ostovic, at 6:37 AM, March 03, 2005  

  • Wow, I've gone international!

    Thanks for reading - I hope I'm a good ambassador for the U.S. Boy, there's a thought. Josh Smith representing the United States of America. Don't screw it up kid!

    I probably spend too much time on some of my posts. I'll labor over graphics and wording and somehow I usually forget to use the spell checker. But it's totally worth it knowing that I've made you laugh a little.

    Thanks for reading. I really mean it.

    By Blogger Josh, at 11:28 AM, March 03, 2005  

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