Josh's blog

Friday, August 20, 2004

Holy Crap

No way, my brother actually blogged! He's usually so busy! Seeing as how he's the only one who has a job, and other responsibilities. Seeing as how he has major priorities that take up soooo much of his time. Well, he'll probably try and play it off like blogging isn't any big deal. He'll make excuses but, I bet someday he'll be blogging like mad, and if you don't update your blog, he'll notice and be annoyed. Just like we are when he can only manage to post once every 45 days. Oh well, here's a picture of Bob Marley.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Record Breaking Streak Continues. . .

Three Years! Some said we'd never make it. (Okay so we, never actually heard anybody say that but, that's beside the point now.) But make it we have, and with 3 years under our collective belt, (Does that make any sense?) we're continuing in our quest for a life long marriage. Special thanks goes out to our friends and family for the support over the years. We'd also like to thank the Academy and the Foreign Press for keeping their snotty little noses out of our marriage. Another thank you to my beautiful bride. I love you Kirsten and everyday I see how God has blessed me with a wonderful woman to share my life with. Thanks for loving, learning and growing with me, and still laughing at most of my attempts at humor. I love you baby.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

We're going low brow here so, watch out!

The last couple of posts were pretty serious, maybe even crossing the line into "deep." Just to let you all know that I haven't dropped into the pits of despair I offer this lightfarted, sorry, I mean lighthearted entry. All about. . . Gas. Yes, everybody gets it, and I'm not talking about fuel for your automobile. I'm talking about the kind that clears rooms. Gas is the evidence that God has a sense of humor. In my humble opinion, there's nothing funnier than bathroom humor. If you ever see a guy, off by himself, with a wide smile or even laughing for no apparent reason, you know he just farted. Seriously, watch sometime. The online encyclopedia - Wikipedia -even has a lengthy entry on it, of course it's listed under the proper name - flatulence. What else in life do we have so many names for? In my family we called it 'shooting bunnies'. For further investigation, Wikipedia, offers a link to this site which handles the topic in a question & answer format. Dealing with, for example, such burning issues as:

  • Is it harmful to hold in farts?
  • At what time of day is a gentleman most likely to fart?
  • How much gas does a normal person pass per day?
  • Do turtles fart?
  • Why do chicks always deny farting?
  • Is it possible to capture a fart in a jar ((or perhaps a tennis ball can) and save it for later use?
Another section deals with post-release etiquette, I for one always say "What?" as if someone has just asked me a question that I need repeated. In northern England after farting, if one wants to be polite you should say, "More tea, Vicar?" In Scotland, it was overheard someone say, "Well, there's no point in having an arse if you can't let it rejoice in song!" I feel better already. I'm sure Grandma's smiling down on me from heaven. Yep, real proud about this post. . . "What?"